木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens
木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens
木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens
木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens
木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens
木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens
Vicky's Succulent Garden

木樨甜心Sedum suaveolens

Regular price $15.00 Sale price $26.00 Unit price per

木樨甜心屬於中大型品種,植株蓮座狀。株形上跟擬石蓮花屬很像——莖短而粗、葉型倒卵匙形、被白粉、葉片呈蓮座狀排列。同時也屬於極易群生和綴化的品種,多年群生或是綴化後,植株會非常壯觀。植株散發淡淡的香味。The osmanthus sweetheart belongs to the large-scale variety, the adult plant base of the lotus flower shape. In a shape withdraws up the orostachys iwarenge to be looks like - - the stem very much short and thick, the blade section egg spoon shape, by the heroin powder, the leaf blade is assumed but the base of lotus flower shape arrangement. Simultaneously also belongs to extremely easy all living things and decorate the variety, after many years all living things perhaps decorate, the adult plant can the unusual magnificent sight. Adult plant sending out light fragrance.
